DRUGS on Show: A multitude of pharmaceuticals from Oxy, morphine, vicodin, Adderall, meth, suboxone, valium, Xanax, and the list goes on. The show seems to get more fun when she is back off the wagon, unfortunately so. But I love the crazy scenes that are like dreams or hallucinations when Jackie is using again. This show realistically characterizes the ups and downs in the life of an addict, exploring subjects like AA/NA meetings, sponsorship, rehab, detox, recovery, and relapse. Although she is better at taking care of strangers than herself and her own family. Jimmy Cruz The First Time Version 5.0 By sotasnoree1985 Follow Public Quarterback Russell WiIson and the Sahawks offense put n a magic shw in the finaI minutes of th game t win it aIl with just sconds left on th clock. As the show progresses we see how dedicated and caring Jackie is as a nurse. Of course the show is much more than this, with real emotions and family concerns. What could be better than a hospital nurse banging the pharmacist because she's addicted to pharmaceuticals, which from time to time are artistically made into a montage of pills flying through the in sky all shapes, sizes, and colors while she's passed out on the floor.